Monday, September 12, 2011

Lifetime LOVER of Lifetime Fitness

One of the main focuses for my time in New York/New Jersey is getting in shape with the help of my Trainer/Manager DeWayne.  I'm SURE that I would be less enthusiastic about my daily work-outs (aka butt kickings) if I didn't have this stunning facility to train in daily.  It is 20 miles away from my host home, which would be about 25 minutes drive time if I were in the midwest.  In New York it's a good 50-65 minutes... but still TOTALLY worth it!

Lifetime Fitness is the name of the gym, and I thought I would share some of the photos of where I'm spending generous portions of time, with some of the friendliest and most motivated staff I have ever encountered.


THIS is the room where I get my butt royally handed to me via kickboxing, jump-rope and anything else DeWayne (My Trainer/Manager) can think of torturing me with.  He's no joke, but absolutely fantastic. You're sure to be entertained and worked in any of his packed classes which are extremely popular amongst the Lifetime Members :)
Serious 'Spinning Room' complete with projection screens that are lowered to display videos of the 'Tour de France' while you workout - to keep you motivated, of course!
The most amazing rock climbing area I've ever seen... all built on top of a bungee-like tar pit.  Stay tuned for a post when I'm sure to have SUPER flattering photos from my butt in those harness things. Ha!
Tons of cardio-equipment... you'll never be bored!

Stunning indoor & outdoor pools.